Men's Manicures Houston, TX

Manicures for Men & Winter Weather

In case you didn’t know it, an arctic front is headed to the Pearland and Houston metro area this weekend and temperatures are expected to drop all the way into the 30s.

The natural tendency, especially for men, is to stock up on antifreeze for their vehicles. That’s a smart thing to do, but the cold winter weather is also a great time to treat your hands.

Regardless of your race or ethnicity, the cold weather can wreak havoc on the manliest of men with cracked, blistered, and rusty-looking hands and nails – something that’s a complete turnoff for the opposite sex.

However, getting a manicure along with your haircut has several long-lasting benefits.

Increased Blood Circulation

Part of a manicure procedure is a massage. The massaging of your hands and joints increases circulation and blood flow, which is great for increased energy and stamina to not only work hard, but also play hard! Have a seat in the man cave and you’ll see exactly what we mean.

Improved Health of Your Nails

There’s no secret that toxins are everywhere, heavy metals and things that are just plain bad for your health tend to creep into your nails….and many men, maybe even you, bite their nails, leaving them dry, cracked, and bleeding.

But with a manicure, you’ll have your cuticles professionally cut and deep cleaned of dead skin to promote new cell growth for a sexier, healthier-looking you.


Being a man isn’t easy and often times as you lead on your job and at home, it can feel like the weight of the world is on your shoulders.

But a manicure relaxes you and can put your mind, body, and soul at ease in the tranquil private areas of the best barbershop in Pearland. And perhaps the best part about it is that a manicure empowers you with an all-natural therapy method that improves the look and feel of your hands – even helps to lower your blood pressure.

Simply put: as the winter weather sweeps through the Pearland and Houston metro area this weekend, opting to add a manicure could prove to be an unexpected treat for both you and your significant other. So go ahead, be bold, step out of your comfort zone, and give it a try. We’re sure you’ll love it!