SMP at Joe Black Barbershop in Pearland, TX

John Brown of Joe Black Barbershop the first barber in the Pearland/Houston metro area to offer SMP services

There’s an old adage that says, “Greatness comes from the desire to do extraordinary things—to reach beyond the status quo,” and thanks to a Pearland-based barber’s desire to provide above-average services to customers, Joe Black Barbershop is now offering Scalp Micropigmentation (SMP) services.

I’m the first barber and non-tattoo artist in the Houston metro area to offer SMP,” said John Brown, owner of Joe Black Barbershop, located at 6516 Broadway St. Suite #140, Pearland, TX 77581. “We’re very excited to offering this unique service to our customers.”

SMP is a non-surgical procedure used as a remedy for thinning hair, receding hairline, and baldness. It involves the application of pigments on the scalp similar to the application of a tattoo that resembles the appearance of real hair follicles that are growing in the skin.

“SMP looks natural and allows the customer say to themselves, ‘I have my hairline back,’” Brown stressed, before adding, “This service goes beyond a typical hair replacement, because you can get your hair wet, so the SMP is great for those who want to be active like going swimming or going to the gym and not have to worry about their hair.”

Brown went on to note that SMP is for ages 18 and up.

“It’s for people who are going bald and want a permanent solution instead of a temporary solution to their thinning hair,” Brown said.

As for the SMP service, Brown revealed that it was a result of him investing in current and future customers.

“The motto at Joe Black Barbershop is, ‘It’s Not Just a Haircut…it’s a Joe Black,’ so we believe in going beyond the norm,” Brown said. “I invested over $4,000 and time studying and training to obtain the SMP certification in Florida. Yes, it is expensive to learn how to do this, however, I believe that our customers are worth the investment. By becoming certified and trained to provide SMP services, people in the Pearland and Houston metro area can now get the service done at the barbershop.”

As it relates to providing customers with excellent services, Brown said it comes from him having a custom-first mindset.

“From a customer service standpoint, passion and customer service go kind of go hand-in-hand,” Brown said. “To me, it’s all about how you treat people and letting people know that they deserve to be treated good. That’s what we do at Joe Black Barbershop.”

For more information about SMP services and a variety of other barber services, visit: or call (281) 412-4993.

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