Joe Black Barbershop Gift Card

Why a Barbershop Gift Card is an Excellent Holiday Gift

Black Friday and Cyber Monday has come and gone, but if you’re like most people, finding that perfect gift for your friends, family, and spouse can still be a challenge.

However, one of the best ways to ensure that your gift is a good one is to give the person you have in mind something that they need. And if that person is a man, there is something that he will always do: make a trip to the barbershop.

And this holiday season, the best barbershops in Pearland and the Houston metro area such as Joe Black Barbershop now have a way for you to capitalize on this fact without the person being offended by the gift.

Joe Black Barbershop has gift cards in which you can purchase for a variety of services, such as men’s manicure and pedicure. That’s a benefit to you too ladies!

Purchasing a gift card to cover barber services will at some point come in handy. As to whether gift cards are still good holiday gifts, research shows that people still love them.

In fact, according to Statista, one of the world’s leading companies for consumer statistics, gift cards account for more than $160 billion each year in the United States.

In addition, according to Adobe Analytics, which tracks the web transactions of 80 of the top 100 internet retailers in the U.S., gift cards are a hot item this holiday season, and contributes heavily to the holiday spend.

Why Purchase a Gift Card for Men’s Manicure and Pedicure Services?

joe black barbershop services

Perhaps one of the best reasons is that a gift card that will save a man money for something he will eventually get anyway. This is not only smart on your end, but it also makes a man feel good. Walking into a barbershop to get a nice haircut and also a manicure and pedicure that he does not have to pay for is just icing on the cake.

You see, there is a bit of a misconception about men and manicures/pedicures. Many assume that men don’t want the service. However, the truth is that most men do not like being out in the open where everyone can see them getting a manicure and pedicure. It makes most men feel uncomfortable.

The good news for you is that local barbershops like Joe Black Barbershop has a private enclosed area where men are not out in the open and can receive a professional manicure and pedicure – and be comfortable at the same time.

And the best thing about it is that with a gift card, the man in which you’re purchasing the gift card for is able to walk out of the barbershop with a tight haircut and well-manicured hands and feet, without having to spend a dime of his own money! Now that’s an awesome holiday gift!

Call (281) 412-4993 today to purchase a gift card for men’s manicure and pedicure services or visit Joe Black Barbershop’s website for more information on a variety of professional barber services that are available.